Key Regular Publications

Flagship FSB reports are set out below together with guidance on how to search for other publications on the FSB’s website.

Annual Work Programme

The work programme details the FSB’s planned work and provides an indicative timeline of main publications. The FSB reinforces its forward-looking monitoring of developments to identify, assess and address new and emerging risks to global financial stability, and continue to assess the functioning of the regulatory framework put in place after the 2008 global financial crisis.

FSB Annual Report

Since 2015 the FSB has published an annual report on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms. The report assesses progress by FSB jurisdictions in implementing agreed core reforms and updates on work undertaken to evaluate the effects of reforms. It includes a colour-coded overview table which highlights the status of implementation.

Global Monitoring Report on Non-bank Financial Intermediation

The FSB publishes an annual report on its monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks from non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI). The annual monitoring exercise is part of the FSB’s policy work to enhance the resilience of NBFI. It focuses on those parts of non-bank financial intermediation that perform economic functions which may give rise to bank-like financial stability risks.

Annual Resolution Report

This report updates on progress in implementing policy measures to enhance the resolvability of systemically important financial institutions and highlights the need for resolution preparedness. It takes stock of progress made by FSB members in implementing reforms and summarises findings from the FSB’s monitoring of resolvability across the banking, financial market infrastructure, and insurance sectors.

Finding other publications

All reports and press releases on the FSB website include tags which can be used to narrow down a search for an item. You can search by publication, press release or undertake a search of the whole FSB website.

Future planned publications are set out in the FSB’s annual work programme