Past Consultations

81 results

Regulation, Supervision and Oversight of Crypto-Asset Activities and Markets: Consultative report

Recommendations to promote the consistency and comprehensiveness of regulatory, supervisory and oversight approaches to crypto-asset activities and markets and to strengthen international cooperation, coordination and information sharing.

Review of the FSB High-level Recommendations of the Regulation, Supervision and Oversight of “Global Stablecoin” Arrangements: Consultative report

This report contains a review with proposals to update the FSB’s high-level recommendations of October 2020 for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of “global stablecoin” arrangements.

Supervisory and Regulatory Approaches to Climate-related Risks: Interim Report

This report provides recommendations to assist supervisory and regulatory authorities in developing their approaches to monitor, manage and mitigate cross-sectoral and system-wide risks arising from climate change and to promote consistent approaches across sectors and jurisdictions.

Approaches to Debt Overhang Issues of Non-financial Corporates: Discussion paper

Discussion paper aims to share emerging industry and policy responses to address debt overhang issues for non-financial corporates, as well as a conceptual framework for considering policy implications in light of COVID-19 specific challenges.

Policy proposals to enhance money market fund resilience: Consultation Report

Public consultation on the FSB’s policy proposals to enhance money market fund resilience.

Targets for Addressing the Four Challenges of Cross-Border Payments: Consultative document

Public consultation on the FSB’s targets for addressing the four challenges of cross-border payments.

Regulatory and Supervisory Issues Relating to Outsourcing and Third-Party Relationships: Discussion paper

Public consultation on the FSB’s discussion paper.

Evaluation of the effects of too-big-to-fail reforms: consultation report

Public consultation on the FSB’s evaluation.

Guidance on financial resources to support CCP resolution and on the treatment of CCP equity in resolution: Consultative document

Public consultation report on the financial resources for CCP resolution.

Effective Practices for Cyber Incident Response and Recovery: Consultative document

Public consultation report on a toolkit of effective practices to enhance cyber resilience.