Resolution and Crisis Management

FSB Asia Group discusses vulnerabilities arising from non-bank financial intermediation and crypto-assets

FSB holds meeting of its Regional Consultative Group for Asia in Cebu, Philippines.

FSB to consider lessons learned from recent banking-sector turmoil

FSB Chair’s letter notes the need to learn lessons from recent events in the banking sector and outlines the cyber incident reporting recommendations that the FSB is delivering to the meeting.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: April 2023

FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their April meeting in Washington DC.

FSB Work Programme for 2023

Annual work programme and publication timetable for the FSB.

FSB Plenary statement on recent market developments

FSB Plenary releases statement following their regular meeting on 28 March.

Summary of FSB Technical Workshop: Resolution planning for insurers

Overview of the main takeaways from the insurance industry workshop on practices in relation to internal financial and operational interconnectedness in insurers and funding in resolution.


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