FSB seeks stakeholders’ feedback on their experience with the common template for gathering information about continuity of access to financial market infrastructures (FMIs) for firms in resolution
The FSB is conducting a survey to gather stakeholders’ feedback on its common template for collecting information on continuity of access to financial market infrastructures (FMIs) for firms in resolution. The common template for financial market infrastructures (FMIs), which takes the form of a questionnaire (the Questionnaire), was published in August 2020. The use of a common template should reduce the “many to one” nature of inquiries from FMI participants and authorities to FMIs for resolution planning and streamline the provision of this information by FMIs to firms and authorities.
This survey is part of the FSB’s outreach strategy with external stakeholders regarding the topic of Continuity of Access to FMIs for firms in resolution. Several bank resolution authorities are, concurrently, also working to provide FMIs with further insight into their bank resolution toolkits and the impact of these tools on a bank’s ability to maintain continuity of access to FMI services in resolution.1
All FMIs (as providers of responses to the Questionnaire) as well as firms subject to a resolution planning requirement and bank resolution authorities (as users of FMIs’ responses to the Questionnaire) are encouraged to participate in this online survey. Stakeholders’ input will support the efforts of FSB member authorities to ensure the Questionnaire template remains relevant and accessible, and help to reduce the burden of information gathering for firms on this topic.
The survey closes on Monday 3 May at 08:59 AM CEST.
- For instance, the Single Resolution Board recently published an overview of this topic in the Banking Union. [←]