FSB Continuity of Access to FMIs for firms in resolution: streamlined information collection to support resolution planning
A revised version of this questionnaire was published on 20 August 2021 after a review of stakeholders’ experiences. The revised version thus replaces the version described here, and this webpage is retained as a historical record only.
This questionnaire provides a common template for gathering information about continuity of access to financial market infrastructures (FMIs) for firms in resolution. The template takes the form of a questionnaire that all FMIs are encouraged to complete. The responses to the questionnaire should be published or made available in other ways to firms that use the FMI services and their resolution authorities to inform their resolution planning. The use of a common questionnaire should reduce the “many to one” nature of inquiries from FMI participants and authorities to FMIs for resolution planning and streamline the provision of this information from FMIs to firms and authorities.
The questionnaire follows from a workshop held in May 2019 with stakeholders about the implementation of the FSB’s Guidance on Continuity of Access to Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) for a Firm in Resolution. The Guidance sets out arrangements and safeguards to facilitate continued access to critical clearing, payment, settlement, custody and other services provided by FMIs in cases where firms need to be resolved.
The FSB developed the questionnaire in consultation with FMIs, FMI participants, FMI oversight authorities and with the assistance of the Secretariats of the International Organization of Securities Commissions and of the Committee on Markets and Payments Infrastructures. It covers general information on the FMI and its legal structure; (the rulebook/contractual provisions regarding termination; and arrangements and operational processes to facilitate continued access in resolution.