29 October 2020 OECD Recommendation on Financial Literacy
The OECD Recommendation on Financial Literacy presents a single, comprehensive, instrument on financial literacy to assist governments, other public authorities, and relevant stakeholders in their efforts to design, implement and evaluate financial literacy policies -
29 October 2020 FSB welcomes TCFD status report
Disclosure has steadily increased since the recommendations of the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures were published in 2017. -
29 October 2020 2020 Status Report: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Annual report on TCFD-aligned disclosures by firms. -
28 October 2020 FSB virtual workshops on FinTech issues
Register for the FSB’s FinTech workshops on 4 and 5 November. -
20 October 2020 The Financial Stability Board’s Roadmap for Addressing NBFI Vulnerabilities
FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles speaks at the annual meeting of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. -
19 October 2020 Effective Practices for Cyber Incident Response and Recovery: overview of public consultation
An overview of responses to the April 2020 consultation. -
19 October 2020 Effective Practices for Cyber Incident Response and Recovery: Final Report
A toolkit of effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery. -
19 October 2020 FSB encourages use of cyber incident response and recovery toolkit
Toolkit sets out financial institutions’ effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery. -
19 October 2020 Effective Practices for Cyber Incident Response and Recovery
This toolkit sets out financial institutions’ effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery. -
16 October 2020 FSB publishes global transition roadmap for LIBOR
The roadmap sets out key steps to remove remaining dependencies on LIBOR by end-2021.