24 April 2010 Statement by Mario Draghi Chairman of the Financial Stability Board International Monetary and Financial Committee Meeting
This statement summarises the progress made in developing strong regulatory, supervisory and other policies. -
23 April 2010 FSB Chair Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on Progress on the Global Regulatory Reform Agenda
To G20 Ministers and Governors Progress on the global regulatory reform agenda I am pleased to attach the following reports for the meeting on 23 April: A report on progress in implementing the G20 regulatory reform objectives, covering international policy development and national implementation; A peer review assessment of implementation of the FSB compensation principles […] -
19 April 2010 Progress since the St Andrews meeting in Implementing the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability
This report describes the measures that have been taken and other progress made to implement the recommendations made by the G20 and the FSB for strengthening financial stability since the November 2009 meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at St Andrews. -
12 April 2010 Guidance paper on the treatment of non-regulated entities in group-wide supervision
The purpose of this paper is to encourage the establishment of sufficient supervisory power and authority to ensure that supervision has proper regard to all entities which may affect the overall risk profile and/or financial position of the group as a whole and/or the individual entities within the group; and to promote greater consistency between jurisdictions. -
1 April 2010 Disclosure Principles for Public Offerings and Listings of Asset-Backed Securities
The disclosure topics highlighted in the ABS Disclosure Principles are intended as a starting point for consideration and analysis by securities regulators.