The Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Banking Sector sets out essential criteria to guide the assessment of the compliance of a jurisdiction’s bank resolution frameworks with the FSB’s Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions (‘Key Attributes’). It was developed in close collaboration with experts from FSB jurisdictions, relevant standard-setting bodies, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. It is designed to promote consistent assessments across jurisdictions and also to provide guidance to jurisdictions when adopting or amending their bank resolution regimes to implement the Key Attributes.

The Key Attributes constitute an ‘umbrella’ standard for resolution regimes for all types of financial institutions. However, not all attributes are equally relevant for all sectors. Some Key Attributes (KAs) require adaptation and sector-specific interpretation of individual KAs. The Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Banking Sector sets out essential criteria to guide the assessment of a jurisdiction’s compliance with the Key Attributes with respect to the banking sector.

The overall assessment should take into account the structure and complexity of the financial sector, the relative systemic importance of different sectors and the market environment of the jurisdiction that is being assessed. An assessment must recognise that a jurisdiction’s bank resolution regime should be proportionate to the size, structure and complexity of the jurisdiction’s banking system.