This consultative document provides guidance on the key elements contained in an effective risk appetite framework. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by Monday 30 September 2013.
Past Consultations
81 results
17 July 2013
18 November 2012
This consultative document sets out recommendations for addressing financial stability risks in this area, including regulation of securities financing. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
18 November 2012
This consultative document sets out a policy framework to address shadow banking risks posed by non-bank financial entities other than MMFs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
18 November 2012
This consultative document contains an integrated view of the FSB’s recommendations for strengthened oversight and regulation of shadow banking. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
2 November 2012
This consultative documents seeks feedback on recovery triggers, resolution strategies, and identification of critical functions. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 7 December 2012.
27 April 2012
This consultative document reviews current market practices and has identified a number of issues that might pose risks to financial stability.Comments should be submitted by 25 May 2012 by email to [email protected] or post.
This consultative document set out a framework for sound residential mortgage underwriting practices. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 9 December 2011.
6 October 2011
This consultation paper seeks the views of interested parties on a set of options and proposals to improve the data on linkages between G-SIBs and on their exposures and funding dependencies.
This consultative document contains a comprehensive package of proposed policy measures to improve the capacity of authorities to resolve SIFIs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 2 September 2011.
11 April 2011
This paper sets out the current thinking of the task force especially on what is meant by the “shadow banking sytem”. The FSB invites feedback on this note sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011.