Archives - Publications, Consultations, Peer Review Reports, Policy Documents, Progress Reports, Reports to the G20
28 July 2023 Final Reflections on the LIBOR Transition
FSB statement following the end of the remaining USD LIBOR panel at the end of June 2023. -
27 July 2023 Deployment of Unallocated Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (uTLAC): Considerations for Crisis Management Groups (CMGs)
Report outlines considerations on the possible form, location and approaches to deployment of unallocated TLAC (uTLAC) resources to assist effective coordination among authorities in the run-up to and during a resolution of a global systemically important bank (G-SIB). -
26 July 2023 Continuity of access to financial market infrastructure (FMI) services for firms in resolution: Statement following survey feedback
FSB Statement in response to feedback received from the survey on stakeholder experiences with the framework for information from financial market infrastructure intermediaries to support resolution planning. -
17 July 2023 FSB Global Regulatory Framework for Crypto-asset Activities
Framework consists of two distinct recommendations for the regulation, supervision and oversight of crypto-asset markets and activities and “global stablecoin arrangements”. -
17 July 2023 High-level Recommendations for the Regulation, Supervision and Oversight of Crypto-asset Activities and Markets: Final report
Final recommendations seek to promote the comprehensiveness and greater international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches to crypto-asset activities and markets, including crypto-asset issuers and service providers. -
17 July 2023 High-level Recommendations for the Regulation, Supervision and Oversight of Global Stablecoin Arrangements: Final report
High-level Recommendations seek to promote consistent and effective regulation, supervision and oversight of global stablecoins across jurisdictions to address the potential financial stability risks they pose. -
17 July 2023 International Regulation of Crypto-asset Activities - A Proposed Framework: Overview of responses to the consultation
Summary of responses to the October 2022 public consultation on the FSB’s proposed framework for the international regulation of crypto-asset activities. -
13 July 2023 FSB Roadmap for Addressing Financial Risks from Climate Change: 2023 Progress Report
Annual report takes stock of progress by standard-setting bodies and other international organisations on the actions coordinated through the Roadmap and outlines areas for further attention. -
12 July 2023 FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: July 2023
FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their July meeting in Gandhinagar, India. -
5 July 2023 Addressing Structural Vulnerabilities from Liquidity Mismatch in Open-Ended Funds – Revisions to the FSB’s 2017 Policy Recommendations: Consultation report
Consultation report sets out proposed changes to the FSB’s 2017 Policy Recommendations to Address Structural Vulnerabilities from Asset Management Activities in relation to liquidity mismatch in open-ended funds.