2022 List of Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs)
The 2022 list of globally systemic banks (G-SIBs) is based on end-2021 data and an assessment methodology designed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which was revised in 2018. The revised methodology is applied for the first time this year.
The 30 banks on the list remain the same as the 2021 list. Within the list, one bank has moved to a higher bucket (Bank of America has moved from bucket 2 to bucket 3) and two banks have moved to a lower bucket (China Construction Bank moves to bucket 2 to bucket 1 and BNP Paribas moves from bucket 3 to bucket 2).
The assignment of G-SIBs to the buckets, in the list published today, determines the higher capital buffer requirements that will apply to each G-SIB from 1 January 2024.
The BCBS reviewed this year the implications of developments related to the European Banking Union (EBU) for the G-SIB methodology, in particular the treatment of cross-border exposures within the Banking Union. The BCBS recognised the progress in the development of the EBU and agreed to give recognition in the G-SIB framework to this progress through the existing methodology, which allows for adjustments to be made according to supervisory judgment.
G-SIBs 2012-2022