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The Application Paper on Resolution Powers and Planning aims to provide supporting material on supervisory practices related to resolution, which is defined in the IAIS Glossary as “actions taken by a resolution authority towards an insurer that is no longer viable, or is likely to be no longer viable, and has no reasonable prospect of returning to viability." In particular, it provides background for the application of ICP 12 (Exit from the Market and Resolution), including the ComFrame standards and guidance, and is also relevant to ICP 25 (Supervisory Cooperation and Coordination), including the ComFrame standards and guidance (related to crisis management planning). These materials were adopted at the IAIS Annual General Meeting in November 2019.

This Paper aims to:

  • Provide support to supervisors and/or resolution authorities on the practical application of resolution powers, as well as on cooperation and coordination between authorities when planning for, and exercising, such powers;

  • Provide support with regard to resolution planning, which may be beneficial to supervisors, resolution authorities and/or insurers, depending on the circumstances within a jurisdiction; and

  • Provide examples to illustrate the application of standards and guidance relevant to resolution.

The Paper also aims to address issues that were identified during the development of supervisory material in ICP 12 and ComFrame, including feedback received from IAIS Members and stakeholders. Issues that were identified, include:

  • Further guidance and clarifications around expectations for resolution planning;

  • Explanations and examples of the application of resolution powers;

  • The practical application of proportionality in the case of resolution; and

  • The role of policyholder protection schemes (PPS) in resolution. This Paper discusses the role that a PPS, if established within a jurisdiction, may have in relation to certain resolution powers as well as in relation to the resolution authority. It does not, however, aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the role of PPSs in resolution. The IAIS plans to start the development of an Issues Paper on this topic in the second half of 2021.