Good Practices for Financial Consumer Protection
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A strong financial consumer protection framework is key to ensuring that expanded access to financial services benefits consumers, enabling them to make well-informed decisions on how best to use financial services, building trust in the formal financial sector, and contributing to healthy and competitive financial markets. The Good Practices is designed to serve as a comprehensive reference and assessment tool for policymakers that consolidates the latest research, international guidance, and country examples on financial consumer protection.
The guide is organized into the following chapters: (1) deposit and credit products and services, (2) insurance, (3) private pensions, and (4) securities, with annexes on retail payment services, credit reporting systems, and financial capability. Each chapter covers a range of good practices related to legal and supervisory frameworks for financial consumer protection; disclosure and transparency; fair treatment and business conduct; data protection and privacy; and dispute resolution mechanisms. The good practices are accompanied by explanatory notes that elaborate on the good practices, discuss trade-offs, compliance costs, and implementation considerations, and provide concrete country examples and further references.