Framework for Post-Implementation Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms
With the main elements of the post-crisis reforms agreed and implementation of core reforms underway, initial analysis of the effects of these reforms is becoming possible. To that end, the FSB, in close collaboration with the standard-setting bodies, and informed by work carried out by its members and other stakeholders (including through a public consultation), has developed a framework for the post-implementation evaluation of the effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.
The framework will guide analyses of whether these reforms are achieving their intended outcomes, and help to identify any material unintended consequences that may have to be addressed, without compromising on the objectives of the reforms. The framework clarifies concepts and terms; describes analytical approaches; and specifies the processes to be followed for operationalising evaluations. The framework is a living document that will be enhanced as experience is gained and its roll-out will take place progressively in the coming years.