Archives - Resolution/Crisis Management/Safety Nets
9 November 2015 Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Principles and Term Sheet
The objective of this standard is to ensure that global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) have the loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity necessary to help ensure that, in and immediately following a resolution, critical functions can be continued without taxpayers’ funds (public funds) or financial stability being put at risk. -
3 November 2015 Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence that are Not Represented on its CMG
The Guidance should assist jurisdictions in developing appropriate arrangements for ongoing communication, cooperation and information sharing with the relevant authorities in host jurisdictions that are not represented on Crisis Management Groups (CMGs). -
3 November 2015 Principles for Cross-border Effectiveness of Resolution Actions
The Principles should assist jurisdictions in developing statutory frameworks and legal processes to enable prompt effect to be given to foreign resolution actions. -
16 July 2015 Supervisory Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks
This document discusses the underlying supervisory preconditions for dealing with weak banks and techniques that will allow the supervisor to identify problems. These phases include preparatory work on recovery and resolution issues. The document also discusses the corrective measures available to turn around a weak bank and, for resolution authorities, tools for dealing with failing or failed banks. -
1 June 2015 Enhanced guidance for effective deposit insurance systems – Multiple deposit insurance organizations
This paper surveys countries with more than one deposit insurance organisation and provides the enhanced guidance for countries with multiple deposit insurance organizations as requested by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems: Peer Review Report. -
1 June 2015 Enhanced guidance for effective deposit insurance systems – Ex-ante funding
This paper examines ex-ante funding and suggests additional guidance for effective deposit insurance practice as requested by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems: Peer Review Report. -
1 March 2015 Dealing with parties at fault in a bank failure and fraud in deposit insurance
This paper examines existing international approaches and practices in the area of dealing with parties at fault in a bank failure and fraud in deposit insurance, considering various aspects of investigating and prosecuting actions and omissions that contributed to bank losses and failures.