
This document sets out the revised proposal on the assessment methodologies for identifying non-bank non-insurer global systemically important financial institutions (NBNI G-SIFIs), extending the SIFI framework that currently covers banks and insurers to other financial institutions. The proposed methodologies take into account responses received on the initial consultative document issued on 8 January 2014. It includes a high-level framework for identifying G-SIFIs that would apply across NBNI financial entities, as well as detailed sector-specific methodologies. Detailed sector-specific methodologies include (a) near-final methodologies for finance companies and market intermediaries; and (b) a revised proposal on sector-specific methodologies for asset management entities, which comprises a revised methodology for investment funds (including hedge funds) and a new proposed methodology for asset managers.

The FSB and IOSCO welcome comments on this document. Comments should be submitted by 29 May 2015 by email to [email protected] or post (Secretariat of the Financial Stability Board, c/o Bank for International Settlements, CH-4002, Basel, Switzerland).