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The risk of suspensions have a direct impact on the investor, on confidence and reputation (indirect macroeconomic or market-wide implications),on the market (such a practice is not permitted, a suspension in one or more CIS could lead to extraordinary withdrawals in further CIS; these withdrawals may lead to liquidity problems within the CIS forcing it to sell assets; a forced sale may, if the CIS is large relative to a particular market or sector, stress the market and lead to further price declines; such price declines may be reflected in lower CIS prices possibly causing further withdrawals and thus possibly ending in a vicious circle scenario). The principles are structured according to the time frame of a suspension:   (a) Management of liquidity risk; (b) Ex-ante disclosure to investors; (c) Criteria/Reasons for the suspension; (d) Decision to suspend; (e) During the suspension; and (f) Examples of alternative measures to deal with illiquidity in certain jurisdictions.