Co-Chair RCG for MENA

Governor, Central Bank of Egypt

Hassan Abdalla was appointed as the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) on August 18, 2022.

Mr Abdalla currently serves as Chairman of Union de Banques Arabes et Françaises (UBAF). Prior to his joining the CBE, he founded and led boutique investment advisory and private equity firm and chaired both United Media Services (UMS) and Misr Spinning and Weaving (Al-Mahala Al-Kubra).

During his over thirty years of experience, Mr Abdalla served as Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Arab African International Bank, since 2002 until 2018, and held board seats in several reputable and international organizations including the Central Bank of Egypt, the Egyptian Stock Exchange, Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), the Egyptian National Competitive Council (ENCC), the Arab Business Council of World Economic Forum, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) the IIF Emerging Markets Advisory Council (Washington DC), London Stock Exchange’s London Africa Advisory Group – LAAG as well as chaired the Middle East, Far East and Africa regional committee of the International Capital Market Association(ICMA) (Zurich).

Mr Abdalla’s interest towards empowering youth and entrepreneurship was manifested across multiple arenas, including co-founding the Egyptian Junior Business Association (EJB) as well as serving as board member and treasurer of Endeavour Egypt. Pursuing his passion to serve the community, he founded “We Owe it to Egypt” and served as a member of the board of directors of the Arab Educational Information Network, “Shamaa Foundation.” Mr Abdalla also serves as a part-time faculty member at the American University in Cairo (AUC), where he obtained both his Bachelor’s and Master’s and was awarded distinguished alumni. He holds several positions in the educational field, namely, member on the Strategy Advisory Board of the School of Business at the AUC as well as a board member of the ESLSCA Business School of Egypt.