FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: July 2022
The G20 is meeting at a time of growing financial stability challenges.
The letter flags that the combination of lower growth, rising inflation and tighter global financial conditions may crystallise pre-existing vulnerabilities in the global financial system or give rise to new ones. In particular: rising indebtedness across sovereigns, non-financial corporates and households; liquidity mismatches in non-bank financial intermediation; and tightening financial conditions affecting Emerging Market and Developing Economies (EMDEs). The letter stresses that with the exit from COVID-19 well underway, it is important to rebuild macroprudential policy space whenever national conditions allow.
The letter outlines risks from commodity markets and notes that the FSB is analysing financial issues in commodity markets and closely monitoring the possible spillovers from commodities markets into the broader global financial system, as part of its ongoing surveillance.
The letter provides an overview of two areas of the FSB’s work for which documents have been submitted to the G20: addressing scarring and exit strategies from COVID-19; and progress under the FSB’s climate roadmap. The letter also provides an update on the FSB’s work on crypto-assets, following the issuance of a public statement on this topic.