FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles’s letter to the G20 Leaders ahead of their October Summit in Rome.
Data Gaps
28 October 2021
28 October 2021
Letter notes lessons learnt from the COVID Event and actions to address structural challenges facing the global financial system.
Sixth Progress Report flags challenges to implementation for DGI-2 and outlines the remaining work towards completing the recommendations, including a possible new data gaps initiative beyond 2021.
8 October 2021
Annual progress report on the implementation of Phase Two of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2).
11 July 2021
FSB Chair Randal K Quarles speaks at the Venice International Conference on Climate Change
25 February 2021
FSB Chair updates Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on the FSB’s ambitious 2021 work plan, which seeks to address vulnerabilities directly related to COVID-19; and support strong, sustainable growth in a post-COVID world.
25 February 2021
The FSB Chair outlines the FSB work programme for 2021, which seeks to address COVID-19 vulnerabilities and support strong, sustainable, and balanced growth in a post-COVID world.
20 January 2021
Annual work programme and publication timetable for the FSB
20 January 2021
FSB will remain vigilant to new and emerging risks to global financial stability, and support international cooperation and coordination on the COVID-19 response.