11 April 2011 Shadow Banking: Scoping the Issues
This paper sets out the current thinking of the task force especially on what is meant by the "shadow banking sytem". The FSB invites feedback on this note sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011. -
11 April 2011 Potential Financial Stability Issues Arising From Recent Trends in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
This paper highlights a number of recent developments related to certain types of ETFs that pose concerns to financial stability. Feedback on the note should be sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011. -
5 April 2011 FSB Plenary meets in Rome, Italy
At its meeting in Rome today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, and made decisions needed to progress major initiatives to strengthen the resiliency of the financial system. -
18 March 2011 Thematic Review on Risk Disclosure Practices
This thematic review assesses implementation of these recommendations by the 24 FSB member jurisdictions and by the major financial institutions located in those jurisdictions. -
18 March 2011 Thematic Review of Mortgage Underwriting and Origination Practices
The report takes stock of existing mortgage underwriting practices and provides a framework for jurisdictions to set minimum acceptable underwriting standards. -
18 March 2011 FSB publishes Thematic Review on Residential Mortgage Underwriting and Origination Practices
The peer review report provides a comprehensive picture of existing mortgage underwriting practices and regulatory oversight and enforcement to implement such practices. -
18 March 2011 FSB completes Thematic Review of Risk Disclosure Practices
The review finds that FSB member jurisdictions have successfully prompted financial institutions to improve their disclosure of exposures to structured credit products.