Financial Stability Board

Klaas Knot

Chair of the FSB

President, De Nederlandsche Bank

Klaas Knot has been President of De Nederlandsche Bank since 1 July 2011 and has served as Chair of the Financial Stability Board since 2 December 2021. He is also a member of the Governing Council and the General Council of the European Central Bank, member of the European Systemic Risk Board, member of the International Monetary Fund's Board of Governors and a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements.

Klaas holds several secondary positions. Since 2005, he has been professor of economics of central banking at the University of Groningen, and since 2015 he has also been honorary professor of monetary stability at the Economics and Business Department of the University of Amsterdam. Klaas has published a variety of articles in leading Dutch and international journals in the fields of monetary and financial economics. He is also a member of the Group of Thirty, a global body comprised of economic and financial leaders from the public and private sectors and academia.

Before assuming DNB’s presidency, Klaas Knot was Deputy Treasurer-General and Director of Financial Markets at the Dutch Ministry of Finance (2009–2011). Earlier, from 1995, he worked for DNB for almost twelve years in various positions including senior economist in the Monetary and Economic Policy Department and Director of the Supervisory Policy Division. At different intervals during this period, he was employed by the International Monetary Fund (1998-1999) and the former Pensions and Insurance Supervisory Authority of the Netherlands (2003-2004).

In 1991, he graduated with honours in economics from the University of Groningen. In 1995, he obtained his PhD in economics.


12 July 2024 Navigating challenges facing the international financial system

FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, and Lesetja Kganyago, former Chair of the FSB Standing Committee on Standards Implementation (SCSI), discuss the challenges facing the international financial system at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal.

11 July 2024 The AI adventure: how artificial intelligence may shape the economy and the financial system

Speech by FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, at the IMF/World Bank Constituency meeting.
Content Type(s): Announcements, Press, Speeches Source(s): FSB Policy Area(s): Financial Innovation

11 July 2024 Acta, non verba: Interlinking fast payment systems to enhance cross-border payments

Speech by FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, at the CPMI conference on the ‘Progress and priorities on the G20 cross-border payments roadmap’.
Content Type(s): Announcements, Press, Speeches Source(s): FSB Policy Area(s): Cross Border Payments

20 May 2024 A solid foundation for a resilient structure

Speech by FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, at the Macroprudential Policy for Investment Funds Conference, Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin.
Content Type(s): Press, Speeches, Statements Policy Area(s): Non-bank financial intermediation

29 April 2024 Financial stability risks and the FSB’s work program

Speech by FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, at the CFA Systemic Risk Council Meeting.

29 February 2024 At a cross-roads: the path towards responsible innovation in the crypto-asset ecosystem

Klaas Knot keynote speech at ASIFMA
Keynote speech by FSB Chair Klaas Knot at the ASIFMA Annual Conference 2024.
Content Type(s): Press, Speeches, Video and Audio Source(s): FSB Policy Area(s): Crypto Assets, EMDEs

5 December 2023 High debt and financial stress: implications for Asian financial stability

KK AMRO Speech
Keynote speech by FSB Chair Klaas Knot at the second annual ASEAN+3 Economic Cooperation and Financial Stability Forum (AMRO Forum).

16 November 2023 The recent financial tumult: lessons and responses

Keynote speech by FSB Chair Klaas Knot at the seventh annual conference of the European Systemic Risk Board “Financial stability challenges ahead: emerging risks and regulation”, held virtually.

24 January 2023 Daring to know in times of uncertainty and structural shifts

Press menu
Keynote speech by FSB Chair Klaas Knot at the 11th Institute for Law and Finance Conference on "The Future of the Financial Sector: The Next Systemic Financial Crisis – Where Might it Come From?: Financial Stability in a Polycrisis World", Goethe University, Frankfurt.

17 November 2022 Conditions for financial stability

Article by FSB Chair Klaas Knot in the magazine Indonesia: The Bali Summit published by the G20 Research Centre at the University of Toronto.
Content Type(s): Speeches, Statements