Archives - IOSCO - International Organization of Securities Commissions
1 November 2007 Principles for the Valuation of Hedge Fund Portfolios
This document sets out principles for valuing the investment portfolios of hedge funds that are designed to mitigate the structural and operational conflicts of interest that may arise between the interests of the hedge fund manager and the interests of the hedge fund. -
1 March 2007 International Disclosure Principles for Cross Border Offerings and Listing of Debt Securities by Foreign Issuers
These principles provide guidance to securities regulators who are developing or reviewing their regulatory disclosure regimes for cross-border offerings and listings of debt securities. -
29 August 2006 High-Level Principles for Business Continuity
The document outlines business continuity principles that apply to industry participants and financial authorities. -
1 March 2006 Compliance Function at Market Intermediaries
This document sets out principles with measures for implementation to assist market intermediaries to increase the effectiveness of their compliance function. -
1 October 2005 Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for Collective Investment Schemes
The document provides guidelines on how to apply global AMF/CFT standards to the operation of collective investment schemes (CIS). -
28 February 2005 Inauguration of the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB)
15 February 2005 Outsourcing in Financial Services
This document presents a set of principles to assist firms and regulators in considering their outsourcing activities -
1 May 2004 Principles on Client Identification and Beneficial Ownership for the Securities Industry
These Principles are formulated in relation to client identification and beneficial ownership for the securities industry. The Client Due Diligence (CDD) process is a key component of securities regulatory requirements intended to achieve the principal objectives of securities regulation, the protection of investors; ensuring that markets are fair, efficient and transparent; and the prevention of the illegal use of the securities industry. -
1 October 2003 Securities Activity on the Internet
These reports (issued in October 2003, Jun 2001 and Sep 1998) examine and provide guidance on issues relating to the impact of the Internet on securities regulation. They identify those Internet issues that should be addressed by each jurisdiction and provide guidelines on how to approach those issues. -
25 September 2003 Statement of Principles for Addressing Sell-Side Securities Analyst Conflicts of Interest
This document sets out principles that are intended to address key issues regarding analyst conflicts of interest.