2015 CCP Workplan
Available as:
22 September 2015
At the February G20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, the FSB was asked to develop with CPMI, IOSCO and BCBS a coordinated work plan to promote CCP resilience, recovery planning and resolvability. The key elements of the joint workplan include:
- evaluating existing measures for CCP resilience, including loss absorption capacity, liquidity and stress testing;
- conducting a stock-take of existing CCP recovery mechanisms, including loss allocation tools, and considering whether there is a need for more granular standards;
- reviewing existing CCP resolution regimes and resolution planning arrangements, and considering whether there is a need for more granular standards or for additional prefunded capital and liquidity resources in resolution; and
- analysing the interconnections between CCPs and the banks that are their clearing members, and potential channels for transmission of risk.