Public feedback received from 15 entities on FSB's consultative document on Recovery and Resolution Planning published on 2 November 2012.
18 December 2012
11 December 2012
Following endorsement of the FSB LEI report and recommendations by the G-20, the FSB LEI Implementation Group (IG) has been tasked with taking forward the planning and development work to launch the global LEI system by March 2013. The IG is collaborating closely with private sector experts with a wide range of experience from different […]
19 November 2012
The workshop focused on three main areas: alignment of compensation with ex-ante risk taking; alignment of compensation with performance; and the identification of material risk takers.
18 November 2012
This report presents the results of the second annual global shadow banking monitoring exercise and offers a systematic account of the size, composition and trends of non-bank financial intermediation across major global financial systems.
18 November 2012
This consultative document sets out recommendations for addressing financial stability risks in this area, including regulation of securities financing. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
18 November 2012
This consultative document sets out a policy framework to address shadow banking risks posed by non-bank financial entities other than MMFs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
18 November 2012
This consultative document contains an integrated view of the FSB's recommendations for strengthened oversight and regulation of shadow banking. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 14 January 2013.
This letter summarises the progress being made in the priority areas identified by the G20 Leaders. These include (i) building resilient financial institutions; (ii) ending "too big to fail"; (iii) strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking activities; and (iv) creating continuous core markets by completing OTC derivatives and related reforms.
This note sets out jurisdictions’ regulatory approaches to central clearing of OTC derivatives in order to meet the G20 commitment in this area.
5 November 2012
The roadmap sets clear timelines for concrete action to reduce mechanistic reliance on CRA ratings and for authorities to promote and strengthen own credit risk assessment approaches.