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The high-level Principles provide a definition and policy framework for national strategies for financial education. They then sketch out the different steps or components of these national strategies which include: a preparatory phase aimed at identifying the main target audience, priorities as well as key stakeholders; the establishment of adequate governance mechanisms and the identification of key stakeholders' roles; the development of a dedicated roadmap including measurable and realistic objectives; the promotion of appropriate and efficient delivery mechanisms as well as the evaluation of individual programmes.

International Endorsement: The high-level Principles were endorsed by the OECD/INFE, the OECD Committee on Financial Markets, and the Insurance and Private Pensions Committee, the G20 Leaders and APEC Financial Ministers.

International Application: The 105 countries member of the OECD/INFE (including all G20 and OECD countries) as well as APEC Economies.